27.-30. September 2020: WECHANGE "Dialogue for the Future" Konferenz

Konferenzeinladung aus dem WeChange Newsletter:

Liebe Newsletter-Empfänger*innen der wechange Genossenschaft,

als Betreiberin der Plattform arbeitet die Genossenschaft nicht nur an der
Weiterentwicklung der Plattform, sondern setzt sich auf vielfältige Art
und Weise auch für die Zivilgesellschaft ein.

In dieser Nachricht möchten wir Euch auf eine Ausschreibung aufmerksam
machen, die ein Projekt betrifft, welches vom Auswärtigen Amt gefördert

Mittels einer KONFERENZ möchten wir zivilgesellschaftliche AKTEURE AUS OST
UND WEST zusammenbringen und für Projekte im Rahmen der
NACHHALTIGKEITSZIELE DER UN begeistern. Vielleicht hast Du Lust gemeinsam
mit Ukrainer*innen über den Klimawandel zu diskutieren?

Oder lerne Menschen aus Georgien kennen. Dieses Land erzeugt bspw. als
einziges im Kaukasus 99% seines Stromes aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen und
ist Deutschland meilenweit voraus.

Lasst uns die Welt gemeinsam zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit bewegen und
grenzüberschreitende Ideen entwickeln!

Es folgen Informationen zur Konferenz, die auf Englisch stattfinden wird:

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

It’s time TO APPLY [1] for the WECHANGE annual networking conference
„Dialogue for the Future 2020“ in Berlin. In our third international event,
we intend to connect civil society actors from TEN countries: France,
Germany, Poland, and the countries of the Eastern Partnership (Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) & Russia. During four days
in Berlin, you will have room for exchange, networking, and issue-based

WHEN: 27th - 30th of September 2020

WHERE: Berlin, bUm (space for the committed civil society)

WHO: NGOs and civil society initiatives from the Eastern Partnership
Countries and Russia, as well as NGOs from France, Germany, and Poland, who
are interested in working in the EaP countries & Russia.

The programme of the conference is based on the framework of several
Sustainable Development Goals [2], realized by the United Nations in 2015
and shows how to implement it into international exchanges. Topics like
urbanism and mobility, climate activism, sustainability in all possible
facets (economically, ecologically, organizationally) will be discussed
during the conference. „Dialogue for the Future 2020" provides a forum
for ideas and exchange with civil society actors and experts in the area of
sustainability and digitalization, meeting German government officials and

THE GOAL is to connect you as NGOs and civil society actors from the
Eastern Partnership Countries, Russia, France, Germany and Poland for
future cooperation. We are here to provide space for project development
and finding new partner organizations.

HOW TO APPLY: Please fill out THIS FORM [1] until the 21th of June at
23:59 (CET).

COVID-19 INFORMATION: Due to the complicated world situation, it is
difficult to make long term plans, when it comes to big international
conferences. Therefore, we do not exclude the possibility of changing the
format of the conference to hybrid (online/offline) or fully online. We
will communicate all possible changes with you and promise to make
everything possible to maintain your safety and health.

You can find more details about the conference attached. On
civilsocietycooperation.net [3] you can follow up on the event development,
as well as in our Facebook Event [4] and on the conference Instagram [5].
If you have any other questions, we are here for you:
conference@wechange.de. We also kindly ask you to pass this form on to your
partner organizations in the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine), France, Germany, Poland,
and Russia.

Please excuse us if you have received this message multiple times.

With kind regards,
Your WECHANGE Conference Team

Oberlandstrasse 26-35,
12099 Berlin Germany

wechange.de [6]
Facebook [7]
Twitter [8]
Instagram [9]


[1] https://crm.wechange.de/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=274&qid=33636
[2] https://crm.wechange.de/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=275&qid=33636
[3] https://crm.wechange.de/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=276&qid=33636
[4] https://crm.wechange.de/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=277&qid=33636
[5] https://crm.wechange.de/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=278&qid=33636
[6] https://crm.wechange.de/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=280&qid=33636
[7] https://crm.wechange.de/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=281&qid=33636
[8] https://crm.wechange.de/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=282&qid=33636
[9] https://crm.wechange.de/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=283&qid=33636

2 „Gefällt mir“